Made in Rio
I've been writing all my life and now I don't know what to say. How ironic! I think I'll start at the beginning, who I am, what my story is, or at least that's what you hope to know about me.
I was born in Murcia in 1992, on October 14, it was Wednesday, 6 in the morning. But, that... who the hell cares. (tic, tick, tick, tick, sound of the “delete” key being violently hit).
Maybe it mattered little where I was born, where I was, what things I did, maybe the only thing that matters is the here and now, what things I am doing, what my desires, my dreams, my goals in life are. But... How am I going to get to now if there was no yesterday? Damn, how complicated this writing is.
Well, I guess if you're here it's because you're interested, you want to know something more, right? Come on... I'll start from the beginning.
Technically they manufactured me in Rio de Janeiro, January 92. I do have some Brazilian. Two people with irreconcilable personalities got together. Fortune? Chance? Necessity? True love? I don't know. The truth is that, tired of their parents, they needed to fly, start a new life, and before, before People could only leave their homes by getting married. They didn't agree on anything, not the wedding, not the day, not the bride's dress, not the priest who married them, a complete disaster, that's how they were, an emotional chaos, love conquers all, and wow yes. Only God knows how they agreed to have their honeymoon in Brazil. Copacabana, Ipanema, Corcovado, a little “Portuguese falar” and between the sunshine, the beach, Lambada, caipirinha, youth and love I emerged.
They returned from the wonderful January of beach and summer in Brazil to the European winter. 9 months later I arrived. The first child of the marriage in the bosom of a small family, because as it could not be otherwise, I was highly anticipated by all of them.
My mother enters the hospital, and wait for it, she enters on Tuesday the 13th in the afternoon. Can you imagine being born on Tuesday the 13th? What a disaster! I continue with the story.
Finally, after childbirth, terrible suffering and 4 kilos and 800 grams (you can imagine... There are people who do fisting with much less), I left on Wednesday, October 14, 1992, at 6 in the morning, which is why It's not difficult for me to get up early. For those fascinated by astrology, I am a Libra rising Libra with a Taurus moon.